Julian Gau headshot
Julian Gau
    Creative Direction
  • Conductor in The Card Game / Coffee Cantata, 2023

Hello! I'm Julian Gau, a musician of various fields and places - as conductor, composer, performer, and enthusiastic listener. Though I am based in Boston, I also am active in Providence and New York.

As a conductor, I work in fields such as orchestra, new music, opera, and musical theatre. Recently, I completed a master's degree in orchestral conducting at Boston Conservatory, where I studied with Bruce Hangen. In Boston, I conduct the Horizon Ensemble. Currently, I'm serving as music director for Cabaret at Brown University. Before coming to Boston, I went to Brown University, where I studied music and mathematics. There, I ran the Brown University Chamber Orchestra, a student-led ensemble of about 40 musicians. Other than that, I conducted four shows - West Side StoryOrpheus in the UnderworldThe Soldier's Tale, and Into the Woods.

Last summer I was an assistant conductor at Opera Saratoga, where I assisted Maestra Laura Bergquist on The Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder. Later, I was the 2023 New Music Conducting Fellow at the Composers Conference at the Avaloch Farm Music Institute in New Hampshire. I've also attended summer events such as the Eastern Music Festival, the Miami Music Festival, and the International Conducting Workshop and Festival. Exciting!

Aside from conducting, I play the piano and the cello. With these I've performed as a part of various orchestras and chamber groups, as well as an accompanist. I've also been active as a composer, having written for many friends at many times. For various musical tasks, I engrave music in LilyPond.

Outside of music, I enjoy memorable stories, vegan cooking, and valuable friendships. I can also be found on platforms such as YouTube, where you can find some of my music, Twitch, and TikTok.

If you'd like to contact me for any reason, please visit the Contact page.

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