Rafe Lei Schafberg headshot
Rafe Lei Schafberg
  • Pianist in Out of Darkness / We Will Outlive Them, 2024
  • Pianist in L'amico Fritz, 2024

Rafe Lei Schaberg is an American-Taiwanese pianist, composer, collaborator, and improviser. His career has lead to solo performances in Jordan Hall at New England Conservatory, Salmon Recital Hall at Chapman University, Richard Nixon Presidential Library, Winifred Smith Hall at University of California Irvine, and many more venues. As a dedicated collaborator of all instruments, Rafe appears frequently on stage with students of Renee Fleming, Bradley Williams, Miriam Fried, Don Weilerstein, Laurence Lesser, Richard Aaron, Richard Svoboda, John Ferrillo, and countless others. He is also a frequent collaborator for choirs, serving as the primary accompanist for the NEC Chamber Singers, the conservatory’s premier choral ensemble. As an improviser, composer, and multi media artist, Rafe also helped direct the “Final Moments” series at UCI, which featured dancers, actors, visual art, and semi-improvised music. This year, Rafe also joined Boston Conservatory of Music as a staff pianist in the vocal department. Rafe is also the recipient of the dual fellowship to Aspen music festival for both Instrumental and Vocal collaboration, for the summers of 2023 and 2024. He received his Bachelors of Music from New England Conservatory in 2023 in Piano Performance under the tutelage of Vivian Weilerstein and is currently in the process of receiving his Masters of Music in Collaborative Piano from New England Conservatory, studying with Vivian Weilerstein and Cameron Stowe.

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